On Film at Butlin's Clacton
"A Butlin holiday picture on Ilford film"
"Big John"
The 'Indoor Pool Building' included the Photographic Shop where hundreds of holiday snaps were displayed every week. As well as photos of the Campers, standard shots could be purchased of your favourite Redcoats, although this was the era of black and white prints!

Photo: Redcoat "Big John" - A Butlin holiday picture on Ilford film, circa 1971.
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Ilford Naturally

Conveniently, each camp had a photographic shop to develop your holiday snaps and to sell you more film, Iford naturally!
  • Ilford Selochrome Pan
  • Ilford Pan F
  • Ilford HP3
  • Ilford HPS
Today's leader in photography - ILFORD naturally! Ask for en-prints ILFORD films: These Photographs were developed and printed at Butlin's

A Butlin Holiday Picture

A Butlin holiday picture
"Here we are passing by the foyer of the Gaiety Building. I was really excited to be on holiday. We are all wearing our Butlin badges and it's a nice sunny day. On the left you can just see the 'toy soldiers' towering above the holidaymakers. All of the camp was decorated with lights, smiley faces and fun characters."

Photo: A Butlin Holiday Picture (1964).

"En-print or enprint is an abbreviation of enlarged print. These en-prints are markedly larger than the standard 'contact' print you normally have."

Today's leader in photography - ILFORD naturally! A Butlin Holiday Picture
The Dining Halls were a good place to capture shots of all family members together.

Photo: Windsor Dining Hall 1965.
The Photographic Shop
Butlin's Photographic Services Ltd.
As well as the usual photos of the Dining Hall, there were the famous red Butlin's mini viewers. A slide film fitted into a red plastic viewer which you held up to the light to see the image. In the 1970s, 35p was equivalent to 7 shillings (new pence was still a novelty).
A Butlin's Mini Viewer
Butlin's Clacton had its own photographic shop and dedicated photographers who spent most of their time snapping reels and reels of film of the holidaymakers. As there were hourly competitions being held for swimming galas, knobbly knees, Miss Lovely Legs, Father & Son, etc., photographs of the winners, were taken as part of the event. Holidaymakers could also buy their own film and get the photos developed before they went home. This was of course in the days before '1 hour developing' and digital cameras! Indeed, black and white film was still the first choice for most photos.

Ilford celebrated 125 years of trading in 2004
Today (2013), there are specialist parts of the business:

Maurice Fisher's Photographic Memorabilia includes the history of Ilford films. "In 1964 Ilford had a 50% interest in Butlin's Photographic Services Ltd."

Paul Godfrey's Ilford Ltd looks at photofinishing processes and equipment.

Design, images and text compiled by © Fynevue Chronicles. Butlin's pages first devised in October 2000.
 Page last updated for site rebrand 30 June 2024.

All logos and trade marks are the property of their respective owners and are used on the Light Straw site(s) for review only. Students and researchers are recommended to make their own independent enquiries as to the accuracy of the information contained therein.